Elisa 0.0.81 Released

The Elisa team is happy to announce the second alpha release of the Elisa music player.

When building this release we have worked on our vision for the Elisa music player:

  • Elisa is a music player developed by the KDE community that strives to be simple and nice to use. We also recognize that we need a flexible product to account for the different workflows and use-cases of our users.
  • We focus on a very good integration with the Plasma desktop of the KDE community without compromising the support for other platforms (other Linux desktop environments, Windows and Android).
  • We are creating a reliable product that is a joy to use and respects our
    users privacy. As such, we will prefer to support online services where
    users are in control of their data.

We also want to align with the KDE wide goals that have been chosen by the whole community. Since the last release we updated our community wiki page and cleaned some cruft accumulated from the very early time of the development to lower the barrier for new people willing to join the development.

The user interface was further tuned for a smooth experience. Several issues with dark themes were fixed and the appearance of the buttons and sliders were slightly altered to improve their readability.

Elisa with Breeze Dark color theme

We also worked on improving the performance with a focus on the Elisa files indexer. We still recommend to use baloo when possible because the experience is better.

We added the possibility to directly open a music track from a file browser in Elisa or by specifying files as command line options. This is the first step to add support for browsing your music directories directly from Elisa.

Support for reading and writing m3u playlist has been added. There is one know issue when opening playlist with track file names including non ascii characters.



Finally, Elisa is know able to show you the metadata of your tracks and extending the set of supported metadata is an ongoing work.


We hope you will enjoy this release as much as we enjoyed building it.

This version is available from KDE servers.

There are binary packages available from Neon, arch and Fedora Linux distributions. KDE provides automatic builds of flatpak packages for Elisa (it may not be always up to date). You can follow KDE wide documentation (the package name is org.kde.elisa) . A Windows setup is also provided from the Craft and binary-factory teams (binary-factory).

27 thoughts on “Elisa 0.0.81 Released

  1. How is the flatpak supposed to work? When running “flatpak run org.kde.elisa” I get the following errors:

    org.kde.kcoreaddons: Error loading plugin “kcm_elisa_local_file” “The shared library was not found.”
    Plugin search paths are (“/app/lib64/plugins”, “/app/lib/plugins”, “/usr/share/runtime/lib/plugins”, “/usr/lib/plugins”, “/app/bin”)
    The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set
    database open
    DatabaseInterface::init yes
    qml: volume of player controls changed: 100
    qrc:/FilterBar.qml:96:17: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/edit-clear
    qrc:/FilterBar.qml:96:17: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/edit-clear
    qrc:/FilterBar.qml:96:17: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/edit-clear
    qrc:/FilterBar.qml:96:17: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/edit-clear
    qrc:/FilterBar.qml:96:17: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/edit-clear
    qrc:/FilterBar.qml:96:17: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/edit-clear
    MediaPlayList::enqueue ()
    qrc:/MediaServer.qml:175:26: Unable to assign [undefined] to QVariantMap
    qrc:/MediaServer.qml:243:26: Unable to assign [undefined] to QVariantMap
    LocalBalooFileListing::registerToBaloo call registerMonitor
    Error loading the module “kcm_elisa_local_file” : no QML file provided
    MediaPlayList::setPersistentState QMap((“currentTrack”, QVariant(int, 0))(“playList”, QVariant(QVariantList, ()))(“randomPlay”, QVariant(bool, false))(“repeatPlay”, QVariant(bool, false)))
    ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: “Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread 0x0x1b42d10. Receiver ” (of type ‘LocalBalooFileListing’) was created in thread 0x0x2700cc0″, file kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp, line 563


  2. Is there any plan for a genre browser? With large libraries that seems important (at least in how I have my music organized). If there is no plan, then my music is already in genre folders so I could just use a file browser mode.


    1. I haven’t seen any plans for that on phab but I remember reading something like “let users create their own views” in one of the discussions. Take it with a grain of salt 🙂 but there surely will be a way to browse by genre (and maybe other data too).


    2. We are slowly working towards it (both genre and filebrowser). Out of interest, what do you expect to browse in a genre browser, e.g. what opens after you clicked a specific genre: albums, tracks or artists?


  3. Hi,

    i tried the Windows version, which starts but the configure Elisa window is empty (only the ok, cancel and so on… buttons are shown) so i can’t set my music folders.


    1. It is already working as a native wayland client. There is at least one known crash reported multiple times for different KDE applications with the fix being worked on in Qt by a KDE developer.


  4. Samba and/or Dlna support would be appreciated for thous who have their music on a media server. If it’s already possible, I didn’t found how. Thank you for your great app.


      1. Ok, I imagined. And Samba ? If not, is it planned ?

        And will it be possible to choose the sound output driver (ALSA, instead of Pulseaudio for example, like DeadBeef does, and VLC too).
        Elisa is specialized in playing sound, it should be able to do it perfectly if we need (especially FLAC with cd quality or higher).

        Thank you again.


      2. Elisa is using QtMultimedia that on Linux depends on GStreamer. It should be possible to go to alsa directly. Adding more features around fine grained settings for music rendering is not something the current team has enough time to be able to do it. Would you want to help us ?


      3. I would help with pleasure if I could… But I’m not developer. So I’m not sure if I may be helpful, sorry.
        The best way would be to be able to select Alsa and device directly in the multimedia module of systemsettings (it was available in the past, but now, only pulseaudio is shown in the list)

        That said, I understand that Elisa is at its early development stage. I’m just trying to know more about its directions and future features.

        Thank you anyway, I will still take a close look on Elisa in the future?


      4. Thanks for your feedback.
        I have already created a task to switch to the Phonon API that is configured from systemsettings application.
        You may ask your distribution help channels for the alsa entries missing. I used to go directly to alsa and have now switched to pulseaudio. So I cannot really help you.


  5. I’m running KDE Neon User edition and I wanted to test Elisa. I have not found a binary on the distro’s repository so I compiled from source. Following the instruction, compilation went fine but I had a problem when launching the executable:
    qrc:/qml/ElisaMainWindow.qml:25 module “Qt.labs.platform” is not installed
    Installing the package “qml-module-qt-labs-platform” fixed the problem. I don’t know if it’s a problem on my system or a requirement to be added to the documentation.


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